Beauty Buster Reviews and Beauty Tips
Dry Shampoo to the Rescue
I'm a little late...ok...a lot late to the dry shampoo game. I always thought it was gross and couldn't possibly work. I have to admit that I sweat a lot when I sleep. One would think I'm running marathons in my sleep but my big butt tells another story. I have crazy dreams and I guess do some crazy stuff in my sleep, so in turn, I have to wash my hair everyday. There is [...]
Masking Like Martha!
The NY Times recently did an article about Martha Stewart and her daily beauty and health routine. Wow, she's a girl after my own heart! Even if she has had plastic surgery, she's doing everything she can to prevent aging from the inside out. I don't know how long she's been doing this incredible routine, but it's something to definitely strive for. Even adding a few things here and there can take years off your [...]